About Me
Isie Yang (she/her) is an emerging multidisciplinary creative in her final semester at Sheridan College’s Honours Bachelor of Illustration program. Her interest lies in design, illustration, and art direction.
With over three years of experience in the art and design industry, Isie has learned how to blend the worlds of design, art direction and illustration into a delicious visual smoothie. She brings fresh, culturally-informed visual solutions to every project she tackles. Her illustration work has been featured in Chatelaine magazine, and Adobe has recognized her as a New Gen Creative and Adobe Insider. She is also a Student RGD, Junior Designer at the Sheridan Student Union, Co-Leader of the Sheridan Illustration Grad Council, and holds a certificate in Creative Problem Solving.
Passionate about storytelling and thought-provoking concepts; Isie is inspired by everyday stories, objects, fashion, music, and colours. She believes that every artistic discipline is interconnected. When she isn’t making art or designing, you can find her screaming at a concert, adding pretty photography books she can’t afford to her wishlist, and hunting for vintage clothing.
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